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High concentration phenolic wastewater adsorption materials

High concentration phenolic wastewater adsorption materials

Product Image  	High concentration phenolic wastewater adsorption materials

1、 Introduction
This functional material is a new type of adsorption material developed by Ningxia Zhuoyu New Material Co., Ltd. The molecular structure of this material contains a polymer skeleton, which adsorbs organic matters in water through the synergistic effect of chemical and physical forces. The material exhibits weak alkalinity and has a good adsorption effect on volatile phenols in wastewater, with an adsorption rate of 97% -99%.
2、 Characteristics
1. Strong pertinence and selectivity: It is aimed at adsorbing volatile phenols in phenol containing wastewater, especially high concentration phenol containing wastewater (volatile phenol content 15000-30000ppm).
2. Wide application range: Water quality does not require pre-treatment, and other elements in the water (such as sulfur, ammonia, inorganic salts, etc.) do not affect the adsorption effect of the material.
3. Good adsorption effect: the removal rate of volatile phenols can reach 97% -99%.
4. Long material life: The adsorption material can be re activated after saturation, with activation times reaching over 50 times.
5. High saturation adsorption capacity: The adsorption material can achieve a saturation adsorption capacity of 0.5-0.8g/g for volatile phenols in wastewater.
6. The regeneration process is simple: using alkaline solution for regeneration, it can be directly regenerated in an adsorption container and continuously used.
7. High recovery rate of volatile phenol: After the adsorption material is regenerated, the regenerated liquid can be directly recycled and sold to downstream phenol sodium salt recycling manufacturers. The phenol recovery rate can reach 80%.
8. Low project investment: Specially made stainless steel reaction kettle as adsorption container, with low cost
9. Low operating cost: Depending on the concentration of volatile phenols in the wastewater, the treatment cost per ton of wastewater is 50-80 yuan. The overall process can achieve full automation and low labor cost.

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